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Author Guidelines
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Author Guidelines



Guidelines for the authors

Language: English (Only)

Word Limit  of a paper : Approx. 3000-6000 words.

All manuscripts should be prepared in Microsoft Word format, in Times New Roman, font size 12 for English, typed in double space and one-inch margins on single-sided A4 paper.

The Title page must contain (title) of the article, name(s) of the corresponding author(s) telephone, and email address of the author responsible for correspondence

The text of papers should usually be divided into the following sections i.e. Abstracts, Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion, References to clarify their content.

Abstract: The abstract should consist of 200-250 words or less. The abstract should be written in complete sentences and should succinctly state the objectives, the experimental design of the paper, and the principal observations and conclusions.

Keywords: Keywords should be included, and should not exceed 7-10 words..

Introduction: A short introduction of the research problem followed by the brief review of literature and objective of the research.

Materials and Methods: Describe the Materials used in the experiments, year or experimentation, site etc. Methods section must succinctly describe what was actually done. Describe the source population and the selection criteria for study participants. Identify the methods, apparatus, and procedures in sufficient detail to allow other workers to reproduce the results. Authors submitting review manuscripts should describe the methods used for locating, selecting, extracting and synthesizing data.

Results and Discussion: All the data provided in the tables or illustrations and graphs as an alternative to tables with many entries or duplicate data in graphs and tables. This section must focus on scientifically appropriate analyses of the salient data. Discussion must emphasize the new and important aspects of the study and the conclusions that follow from them. For experimental studies it is useful to begin the discussion by summarizing briefly the main findings, and then explore possible mechanisms or explanations for these findings.

Acknowledgement (Where applicable) : The acknowledgement should be written in complete sentences.

References : Reference to literature should be arranged alphabetically  and numbered according to author’s name, should be placed at the end of the article. Each reference should contain the names of the author with initial, the year of publication, title of the article,  the abbreviated title of the publication according to the World List of Scientific  Periodicals, Volume and Page no.(s). In the text  the reference should be indicated by the author(s) name in bold, followed by the year. References given under the heading should also be quoted in the text.